Have you wasted hundreds or even thousands of dollars and years of your life trying desperately to lose weight, and failing miserably?

Have you resigned to the idea that you will always be fat and will just have to learn to live with it?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, I know EXACTLY how you feel, because I’ve been there.

I was once 80 pounds overweight. Believe me, it wasn’t a matter of wanting to fit into a pair of skinny jeans that finally shook me up enough to take my need to lose weight seriously.

It was something else, much greater than any cosmetic daydream.

You see, I’d get out of breath just walking from the couch to the fridge to get more ice cream. I was addicted to food and I was seriously miserable.

I knew I had to have some sort of eating disorder, because my eating wasn’t normal.

No one else I knew ate the way I did and certainly, no one around me was living this low quality life, where I couldn’t shop at normal stores, I refused to ever step foot on a beach and to heck with socializing..

I was embarrassed

I’ll be honest with you. Losing weight was one of the most frustrating tasks I had ever tried. No matter what I did, I always seemed to end up back at square one, promising myself I would ‘start over again’, only see to experience the same, depressing results.

But the Slim Down Strategy completely changed my outlook on weight loss by eliminating the obstacles, smashing down barriers and giving me a simple blueprint that is impossible NOT to follow correctly.

Let me ask you a few questions:

Have you ever hidden food because you didn’t want people to see you eating it?

Have you ever eaten too much food and then felt guilty afterward?

Have you ever starved yourself for days and then binged like crazy?

Do you ever start thinking about your next meal within an hour of eating?

Do you often eat even when you aren’t hungry?

Do you avoid eating in public, but eat far too much when you are alone?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you are certainly not alone.

You see, people like us look at food the wrong way.

Food is meant to nourish us, not make us weak. It’s mean to give us energy, not make us tired. It’s meant to keep us healthy, not make us ill. It’s meant to support our immune system, not give us disease.

But when food is abused, it has the potential to make us weak, tired, ill, and it can even lead to our death. Food is supposed to give life, not take it away!

A food addiction, like any addiction, is incredibly unhealthy. It can lead to heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, and diabetes. All of these conditions can be fatal.

Are you willing to die an early death just to eat a few more slices of cheesecake or a bunch of greasy french fries?

I don’t know about you, but I know my life is worth more than that. Your family wouldn’t trade your life for a burger and an ice cream sundae, so why should you?

Wake up!


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